The examination on the illegal invasion on Japanese Takeshima island by Korean army...(泣).
How are you going guys!!.
After written the last article... I just thought that the story why we claiming our rights on Takeshima Islands is lack of explanation.
So... today... Adding more precise explanations for you to make a right decisions on this dispute.
As you know every Japanese are keeping to believe in the strong mindset of "all mankinds are fundamentally in good" from the beginning of our history.
So if somebody get angry on us, We lean toward the feeling in "Shouganai", It is meaning that "Whatever", "Does not matter", "It can not be helped" something like that in our mindset.
I think that our mindset is very beautiful when we have spoken that phrase with the meaning of "accept others as they are".
However, due to have that mindset, if the opponent becomes aggressive, the Japanese will soon apologize even if we do not think we are bad.
You might think it very strange though.
But literally... even if we are correct, ordinary Japanese people make apologize to others in that situation.
That is because, even if we are correct, we strongly believe that it is much better to accept all angers with the feeling of sacrificing self than wrecking the peaceful beautiful smiling atmosphere of that place.
If you can't believe it, listen Japanese pop songs which have recommended in the past articles and read the lyrics carefully.
See... You might feel my words are correct ... maybe??.
But in diplomacy with other countries, sometimes that typical splendor in Japanese attitude, it may give a feeling of our weakness against other countries.
So... the seemingly weak Japanese government attitude has given certain foreign governments the opportunity to become more arrogant against Japanese.
I think that unique mindset is the root of which causing all the troubles today.
It can be seen in the trouble like "Takeshima Islands or Dokdo Islands issue" in today.
It's a very complicated and awkward issue for the people living in overseas but this is a very serious matter relating with the world peace also.
So...Please read the below history facts to make the right decision... if you have a curiosity so far.
【The oldest map of Takeshima in 1656 by a Japanese local government on that time.】.

【The map of Takeshima in 1724 published by a Samurai Lord.】.

Since before 1656, as you can see in the above picture describes Japanese people are recognizing Takeshima Islands as the Japanese territory.
They used these islands as the fishery home base and some of fisherman and his families were literally been lived during the fishing periods.
This is the summary of official historical records on Takeshima Islands.
【The summary of Takeshima History.】.
*Japanese citizens were lived and used on Takeshima Islands more than before 1656.
*1905, Takeshima Islands were internationally authorized as the unique Japanese territory.
*Koreans have occupied Takeshima (Dokdo) Islands on 1953.
*Koreans had never been claimed that Takeshima Islands as own Korean territory against Japanese and the world before 1952.
【Severe violations after the Korean occupation.】.
★Serious violation acts by Koreans from 1952 to 1965.
*Captured 328 Japanese fishing boats and civilian ships.
*Detained 3,929 Japanese civilians.
*Killed 44 Japanese civilians.
*16 times of firing attack incidents had occurred against the Japan Coast guard ships.
★The actions taken by Japanese in response against these incidents.
*The Japan Coast Guard has not return even a single gunshot against the Korean army that aim to attack killing innocent Japanese from that time until today.
*The Japanese Coast Guard used own lives and ships as the shields to protect the lives of Japanese and other national civilians who were on board on fishing boats and passenger ships.
* At that time, Japan was occupied by allies in the United States, so the Japanese government restricted not to allow to fight against evil violations from Koreans.
This non-conflict philosophy which stand on "every human beings are fundamentally in good" is still important for the Japanese side and only making diplomatic protests against Korea even still in today.
Precise history relating to Takeshima Islands.
【History of Korean invasion on Takeshima Islands the unique Japanese territory.】.
★More than before 17th Century, The Japanese history records suggests that Takeshima Islets or Islands are used as homes for Japanese fishermen by the several historical records.
★In 1905, Takeshima Islands are officially certified by internationally as a Japanese territory.
★1945 August 15th, Japan surrender, acceptance of Potsdam Declaration.
★1949 December 29th, In the draft of the San Francisco Convention, Takeshima is approved as the unique Japanese territory alongside Tsushima and Oki Islands by US allied countries.
★1951 May 9th, The US Allied nation had denied the request from Korean to join the San Francisco Treaty with the official statements “Korea does not have any rights to join the treaty since Korea is a defeated country which fought against the US allied nations".
★1951 July 9th, The US Allied nations were officially rejected Koreans’ endless claiming request again that "Korea is not our allied country" in the San Francisco meeting.
★1951 September 8th, Japan has signed San Francisco Treaty with victorious Allied nations and signed a security treaty with the United States.
★1952 January 18th, Korea has set own territory line called "Syngman Rhee line" (李承晩).
Suddenly They set the area around Takeshima Islands and has started to claim as to be the Korean territory.
Korean army started to seize innocent Japanese fishermen and boats under their own rule by using its military power.
★1952 January 28th, Japan protested against Korea to stop illegal seizure activities, but they never stopped their brutal capturing acts.
★1952, February 11th, The US government also protested against the Korean government, but Korea ignored it also.
★1952 April 28th, San Francisco Treaty comes into effect and Japan's sovereignty is restored, but did not allowed to hold any military force to protect own lands.
★1952 November 14th, Korea protests against the US military that conducts military exercises in the Takeshima area, but the US has rejected the protest from Korean government, stating to say that any of the Korean claims regarding Takeshima Islands is not acceptable.
★1952 December 4th, The United States od America had officially made a notification again stating that Takeshima Islands are the Japanese territory by officially sending the “No, 187 document” to Korean government.
But Koreans ignored this notice as like they did in the past, and they never stopped their endless protesting and lobbying activities on this.
★1953 February 4th, The Japanese fishing boat “Dai Ichi Taiho Maru”, which had been fishing in the Takeshima area, was shot by the Korean navy, resulting in casualties.
The Korean military force have began extensive capturing and shooting of Japanese belonging boats and ships.
★1953 April 20th, The Korean army started to attack and invaded Takeshima Islands.
★1953 June 24th, A Japanese fisheries high school ship on training in the open high seas, away from Takeshima was captured by the Korean navy and deported to South Korea.
All students and crews were locked up in a prison.
★1953 June 27th, The Japan Coast Guard rescued six Japanese citizens who bravely lived in Takeshima still.
★1953 July 12th, An incident occurred in which the Korean army shot approximately 200 machine gun bullets at a distance of 90 m toward a Japanese Coast Guard ship on the high seas near Takeshima.
★In 1954, Against the Korean actions that reviving Takeshima problems again and again, Admiral James Alward Van Fleet officially announced in the report to the US President Dwight David Eisenhower that he made the final notice as the US official comment to the Korean government as.
"Takeshima is a Japanese territory and if South Korea dissatisfied with it, Korea should make suing to ICJ instead. (International Court of Justice)".
★1954 September 25th, Following the official announcement by the United States that “Takeshima is the Japanese territory”, the Japanese government proposes to bring the dispute to the “International Court of Justice”, but the Koreans are ignoring even until today.
★In 1960, The first Korean President, Syngman Rhee was politically lost.
The US Ambassador in Japan, Douglas MacArthur II made the official announcement stated the South Korean acts as are.
"The barbarous hostage diplomacy of Koreans".
"They still continuing to seize many Japanese fishing boats on the high seas".
"These acts are powerful Piracy acts ignoring the basic international human principles".
He also reported to the white house in the US that "the US should put pressure on the new Korean government and force them to return to a normal".
He also mentioned in the countermeasures against Korea in that report.
1. Release the hostages of all Japanese who have suffered from the cruel and barbaric oppression of Syngman Rhee acts. (including hostages that have not yet been sentenced at that time).
2. The US have to stop Korea confiscating Japanese fishing boats or passenger ships on the high seas.
3. Takeshima is always regarded as a Japanese territory, is occupied with the illegal military force, but this island must be returned to Japan.
He showed that these essentials for normalizing Japan-Korea diplomatic relations.
★On September 2019, South Korea continues occupying Japanese Takeshima Islands and conducts military exercises twice a year around Takeshima Islands, with the slogan of “Defend Dokdo (Takeshima) from the virtual enemy Japan”.
【Related contents】
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Shou Ga Nai...しょうがない...Shikata Ga Nai.. but...まあ、いいかぁー なのです(笑).
This is all for today!!.
So... If you have a small interest on our beautiful mindset of... Shouganai...
Please watch the above Rachel and Jun's video.
そんな感じで... みなさん、ご機嫌よぉーって事なのです!!.
Mu From Osaka でしたぁーっ!!.
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