Typical fake news in the internet.
【KBS News on Commemorative coin.】.
【The official press releasing notice by the Bank of Tanzania.】.

The above official press release warning notice is made by "the National" Bank of Tanzania (https://www.bot.go.tz/) on 2019 September 18th, concerning about the "Takeshima Islands (Dokdo) fake news" which has announced by "KBS" Korean Broadcasting System. (Surprisingly KBS is like BBC owned by its government in Korea.).
How are you guys going!!.
I am trying to ignore the recent escalating offensive harassment by Koreans against Japanese.
Their unilateral claiming actions are covering entire internet sites, everyone can reach their emotional attitudes very easily.
If you are suspicious about it, search comments on the internet news sites relating Japan.
Anyway... The country that continues making endless troubles against Japan is... one of our neighbour country... South Korea.
Both Japan and south Korea have consented and signed with the international treaty called "A treaty on basic relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea" or just "Japan-Korea basic treaty" on the year of 1965.
This international treaty by both countries as in the article two is clearly stating that "All claim right issues in the past between the two countries are confirmed that issues are completely and finally been solved and been settled” in 1965.
Therefore... from the fair objective eyes on these issues,
Their never ending on-going recent disputing issues like "Wartime comfort women issue" "Wartime labour issue" "Takeshima Islands issue" or "other complaints" are clearly indicating South Korea is violating international law to Japan.
Since this treaty that both governments had signed with is clearly showing us their recent complaints against Japan are completely been settled by both countries and citizens on the year of 1965.
But sadly... they always deny comprehending this past important signed treaty and still condemning against Japanese by keep trying to hide world citizens away from the truth by publishing so many fake news full of lies.
Therefore... every Koreans are continuously reviving solved past problems and their actions gives us the impression that Koreans are doing them only for to claim unlimited self-anger against Japanese.
These Korean actions are only to satisfy their evil aim of "beating up all Japanese".
These Korean hatred harassment can be find anywhere in the Japanese matters related internet news websites, especially in the comments they have made too.
We really not be able to comprehend with Koreans illogical mindsets of making blames on others before carefully examined the issue.
Even almost 70 years had passed since the war ends, they seem to be like their anger never ends.
Their resentments against Japanese are never end, the president of Korea had officially said as, "Even if the time goes over 1000 years, Our (Koreans) will never ever forgive Japan".
Who can deal with such people, if somebody say "can", I really want to hear their opinions.
Actually we are tired with sour South Korean attitudes who do not accept others, do not listen, deny the facts and truths and keep claiming in unilateral selfishness Korean people.
Their endless hostile claims are not only just for "not existed wartime comfort women" or "not existed wartime labours", But also recent Korean major insistence is "Japanese colonization Korea issue" too.
But as you know that have mentioned that there were no facts of the existed about forced comfort women and labours in the past articles.
So... the only remaining issue is "Japanese colonization Korea issue".
However... Koreans are forgetting the actual fact that the merger by Japan of Korea is done by the request from the Korean Empire (established in 1897 till the merged with Japan in 1910).
Before the merger, Korean peninsula was ruled by the Kingdom of Joseon dynasty from 1392 till 1897.
But by the diplomatic failure with foreign countries of Joseon dynasty, especially with Qing Dynasty (they took ruled a part of most of China and Mongolia 1644 till 1912) Korea was officially acknowledged from foreign countries as one of the slavery country of China (actually an area).
But Japan made Korea to establish be independent as the autonomous country from the slavery country of China, after the Japan won the Japan-China (Qing Dynasty) war in 1894.
But since Russia and China had strong ambitions to take over Korean peninsula, Korea needed to have the strong backup from other country.
So... this merger lasted until the defeat of Japan at World War II ends.
Also this merger was like a peace treaty to force Japanese to protect Korean autonomy from the communists invasions and Chinese imperialism which quite happened before that time.
So... Japan had took a role to prevent to protect the world peace literally by the meaning by supporting to improve Korean society.
Also I have to mention you that this "merger" had approved under the official authorizations of UK (British), German and French governments to protect Korean peninsula from the invasion acts of Russian empire and China imperialism.
These facts can be found everywhere in the internet.
So... if you have read these facts carefully from the eyes of both Japanese and Korean side, You may find the conclusion that my opinion is right.
Anyway... Recent South Korean illogical claims as same as "The incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft",
( https://www.mod.go.jp/e/d_act/radar/index.html ) like unilateral hostile retaliation against Japan.
But this time, South Korean have crossed the line again.
South Korea is now forcing third countries to get involved with the Japan-Korea disputes just only to succeed their biased harassment against Japan.
If they limit their behaviours only in Japan and Korea relations, We just be calmly correspond against them.
But forcing other innocent non-related countries by spreading lies is not acceptable.
So... as an ordinary Japanese, I can not neglect for these South Koreans terrible nuisance actions to other countries.
Therefore... I made this article for you to consider which country is making troubles on Japan-Korea disputing issues.
Takeshima Islands are unique Japanese territory, the evidences and Korean violated incidents around Takeshima Islands.
Here... I strongly mentioning you that "Takeshima Islands" which Korean says "Dokdo" now is existing as unique Japanese territory before Samurai era more than 400 years ago as "Takeshima" or "Matsushima".
(Our ancestors quite often called their belongings with their own favoured name.).
【The ancient Japanese map of Takeshima Islands around 1656.】.

In the history... These Takeshima Islands is also as known as "Liancourt Rock" since a French whaling vessel called "Liancourt" had indicated in their ocean map on 1849 to the world.
So as Takeshima Islands were used as home for fishermen but by the rapid movement of the globalization of the world, Japan was forced to clarify its own territory.
In 1905, Takeshima, where the Japanese people live, was officially recognized from the world as an unique territory of Japan.
But peace did not last long.
After the world war II, in 1953 suddenly Korean armies attacked and invaded Takeshima Islands and many Japanese fishermen and their families who lived on that Islands were captured by Korean troops.
【Summary of above logic】
*Japanese citizens were lived on Takeshima Islands before 1656.
*Stated as unique Japanese territory in 1905.
*Starting to claim that Takeshima (Dokdo) Islands is Korean territory from 1953.
【Terrible violation of Korea after the invasion.】.
★Serious violation acts by Koreans from 1952 till 1965.
*Captured 328 Japanese fishing boats.
*Detained 3,929 Japanese civilians.
*Killed 44 Japanese civilians.
*16 times of firing attack incidents had occurred against the Japan Coast guard ships.
★ The actions taken by Japanese in response to these incidents.
* The Japan Coast Guard has not return even a single gunshot against the Korean army that aim to attack killing innocent Japanese from that time until today.
*The Japanese Coast Guard used own lives and ships as the shields to protect the lives of Japanese and other national civilians who were on board on fishing boats and passenger ships.
* At that time, Japan was occupied by allies in the United States, so the Japanese government restricted not to allow to fight against evil violations from Koreans.
Therefore... which country do you think to have the rights so far on this dispute??.
Ironically as I know these facts... here is the descriptions which the announcer said in the news.
Recently, the Korean government lodged an official complaint about Japan's inclusion of the Dokdo islets in a Japanese map posted on the website of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee. Amid this sovereignty claim by Japan, commemorative coins describing Dokdo as part of Korea's territory were issued abroad. Next, we will bring you a story about these special coins.
Issued in 2019 July, these silver commemorative coins are sold internationally. They are inscribed with a vivid description of the two rocky outcroppings comprising Dokdo. The spellings of "Dokdo" and a phrase meaning the islets belong to Korea are clearly visible. The coins are a legal currency marked with a face value. Surprisingly, they were issued by Tanzania, not South Korea.
Industry insiders explain that central banks of some countries often issue commemorative coins on various themes as a profit-making project. Back in 2005, commemorative coin on Dokdo was issued in Uganda. In contrast, the Bank of Korea chose not to issue commemorative coins about Dokdo due to potential diplomatic consequences. However, some people are stressing the need to release such coins soon.
Coin and stamp collector said : "There are concerns that Dokdo could be recognized as Japan's territory internationally if Japan first issues commemorative coins on it. So Korea needs to actively consider issuing such coins."
North Korea issued eight types of commemorative coins on Dokdo in 2004. A law on the issuance of commemorative coins was revised in 2012 to ease related regulations. The ironic situation of Dokdo commemorative coins issued by foreign countries being sold in Korea continues.
Sorry... I just bit frustrated on this issue.
Japanese dislike people who do not obey rules, do not have manners, and bothering someone else.
So do I too.
Anyway... You are the one who make judgment on our relationship.
Let you stay in the neutral position.
Do not make any decisions by just only reading my one side opinions.
It is not fair also maybe there is some misunderstandings in it.
Therefore...Please read through Korean sided opinions carefully also to make your own fair judgment on this dispute.
【Related contents】
Bank of Tanzania has officially announced that the releasing Korean commemorative coin is stated as a fake news.
South Korea international trade downgrade class issue.
Explaining the wartime comfort women and the labor issue during the Second World War issue.
Shou Ga Nai...しょうがない...Shikata Ga Nai.. but...まあ、いいかぁー なのです(笑).
This is all for today!!.
So... with this fluffy phrase... Shouganai... Does not matter anyway...
Mu From Osaka でしたぁーっ!!.
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