The impressions before coming to Japan...なのです!!
How are you going guys!!
Initially... foreign readers of our blog was embarrassingly very few numbers...
but was covered more than 95% by the native English speakers from USA, Canada and UK...
So, along with expressing our appreciation with your interest in our blog...
recently... since the numbers of visiting readers of native Russian speakers like Russia and Ukraine are rapidly rising so much...
hence... being to estimate that these countries citizens' popularity of interest toward Japan are also increasing!!
Therefore, today... presentation on an Youtube post mainly by Japanese with Russian subtitles... sorry... not English but...
about the topic with the most interesting issues by foreigners who are intending to know Japan a lot more...
"What have I felt been scared, uneasy and worried about before coming to Japan?".
this post is uploaded by a famous super "Kawaii" native Russian speaking Youtuber, "Ashiya"さん!!
She speaks in fluent like a native Japanese speaker and also well comprehending about our unique Japanese culture and habits, so...
I think the above video may help to fill up your curiosity a lot!!
But sorry again... for Japanese and Russian speakers only though...
We know how tough being living in totally different cultural society, so...
no matter what happens...
We are definitely supporting her along with our maximum praise... なのです!!
Oops... by the way... I do not know Russian language at all, so...
I an not write any of the descriptions on chapter 5, but...
since you guys are well known as generous and kind people...
definitely you guys are accepting with smiles it...だよね~っ(笑)
The contents what she is talking about!!
She is kindly put Russian subtitles so...
describing how to make display Russian subtitle!!

【The topics what she is talking about are...】
1, She, as a foreigner may not accept by Japanese people!!
She had read a lot of internet articles and books about Japan before coming to Japan...
These articles contents are written as "Japan is very much weird society and has a full of strange people"!!
but now has realised to know that it was too much exaggerated on the people's habits and cultural differences written as foreigners' actual experienced life in Japan!!
such as "Japanese people are spoiling and excluding foreigners"...
She has recognised that exaggerated experiences are only the author's experiences...
and she has told that never being treated as like written in the articles since coming to Japan!!
2, Japan has a lot of Earthquakes may occur!!
Since Russia has no earthquakes, She thought Japan has earthquake in quite often and shake like a train everyday, but...
even as in the frequent period, it has occurred only a once a week or during a last whole month she was not experienced even!!
Also entire Japanese buildings and houses are designed by anti-earthquake structures, so...
She is now not worrying about earthquake much now.
3, Recycling of house rubbish!!
She has never sort garbage in Russia, so...
she was confused the way of divide house trashes when she has arrived to Japan!!
she is used to it now...
however, she is having a difficulty with trash collecting dates such as twice a week issue now still even!!
4, Fruits and herbs are so expensive in Japan
These non Japanese related agricultural commodities are expensive compared with other countries but...
She has found that she can buy a lot cheaper at ordinary private grocery stores other than buying at a delux major department stores!!
5, Explanations in Russian!!
could not be able to write it... Sorry!!
【Translation and pronunciation.】.
★Luna Haruna and Kiyono Yasuno.(春奈るな 安野希世乃.).
Luna Haruna and Kiyono Yasuno "Kimi iro signal" with translation.
Nogizaka46, "Sayonara no imi" with translation.
Sayuri Matsumura(乃木坂46) "Meguri Megutte in your pocket" with translation.
Nogizaka46(乃木坂46) "Kaeri michi wa toomawari shitaku naru" the song for Nanase Nishino.
Keyakizaka46(欅坂46) "Sekai ni Wa Ai shikanai"(世界には愛しかない) with translation.
Keyakizaka46(欅坂46) "Futari Saison" with translation.
★Momo Asakura, Sora Amamiya, Shiina Natsukawa and Trysail.(麻倉もも、雨宮天、夏川椎菜、トライレイル.).
Trysail "Azure" with translation.
Momo Asakura "Good Job" with translation.
★Kumi Miyazato.(宮里久美.).
Kumi Miyazato "Himitsu Kudasai" with translation.
★May'n and Megumi Nakajima.(メインと中島愛.).
May'n & Megumi Nakajima "Sayonara no tsubasa"(サヨナラノツバサ) with translation.
★She is Summer.(シーイズサマー.).
She is Summer "Bloom in the city" with translation.
SKE48 "Gomenne Summer" with translation.
SKE48 "Muishiki No Iro"(無意識の色) with translation.
SKE48 "1234 Yoroshiku"(1234よろしく) with translation.
AKB48 "Sustainable" with translation.
AKB48 "River" with translation.
AKB48 "So Long" goodbye Tokyo with translation.
AKB48 "Green Flash" with translation.
AKB48 "11 gatsu No Anklet" the song for Mayu Watanabe.
AKB48 "Kibouteki Refrain" with translation.
AKB48 "Ponytail to Chouchou" and ”Sukiyaki" with translation.
AKB48 "Koisuru Fortune Cookie" with translation.
AKB48 "Sakura no ki ni narou"(桜の木になろう) with translation.
AKB48 "Heavy Rotation"(ヘビーローテーション) with translation.
AKB48 "Chance no junban"(チャンスの順番) with translation.
AKB48 "Suzukake no ki no michi de" with pronunciations and translation.
AKB48 "Shiawase Wo Wakenasai"(幸せをわけなさい) with translation.
AKB48 "Kimiwa melody"(君はメロディー) with translation.
★J Dee'z.(ジュイディーズ.).
J☆Dee'z "Ato Ippo" with about "Tokyo Haneda Vickies".
NMB48 "Yokubousha"(欲望者) with pronunciation.
NMB48 "Oh my God" about Japanese School uniforms.
NMB48 "Boku datte naichauyo"(僕だって泣いちゃうよ) with pronunciation.
STU48 "Shukkou" with translation.
STU48 "Kazewo matsu" with translation.
★Akina Nakamori.(中森明菜.).
Akina Nakamori "Kita Wing" with translation.
Akina Nakamori "Second Love" with translation.
Claris "Connect" with translation.
★Hikaru Utada.(宇多田ヒカル.).
Hikaru Utada "Goodbye happiness" with translation.
JUJU "Mata ashita"(また明日) with translation.
JUJU "Sign" with translation.
★Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.(きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ.).
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu "Kira Kira Killer" with translation.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu(きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ) "Fashion Monster" with translation.
★Mariko Nagai.(永井真理子.).
Mariko Nagai(永井真理子) "Change" plus pronunciation.
★Martin adam Friedman. (マーティ フリードマン.).
Marty Friedman "Kireina Senritsu" with explains J POP chords progression.
★Miho Fukuhara.(福原美穂.).
Miho Fukuhara(福原美穂) "Thank you" with translation.
★Miho Morikawa.(森川美穂.).
Miho Morikawa(森川美穂) "Blue Water" with translation.
Miho Morikawa(森川美穂) "Kitto"(きっと) with translation.
Miho Morikawa(森川美穂) "Yasashiku shinaide" with translation.
★Mika Hino.(日野美香.).
Mika Hino "Negawakuba Sakura no Ki no shita de" with translation.
Misia "Ai no Katachi" with translation.
Misia "Aitakute Ima" with TV drama called "Jin".
Mr Children "Hanabi"(花火) with translation.
★My little lover.(マイリトルラバー.).
My Little Lover "Hello Again" with translation.
★Noriko Sakai.(酒井法子.).
Noriko Sakai(酒井法子) "Active Heart" with translation.
★Shoko Nakagawa.(中川翔子.).
Shoko Nakagawa(中川翔子) "Tamashii no refrain"(魂のルフラン) with translation.
【The songs and important tips about living in Japanese society.】.
AKB48 "Sakura No Shiori"(桜の栞) with wishing foreigners to wear Kimono more.
AKB48 "Namida Surprise"(涙サプライズ) with Greek horoscope and Japanese zodiac.
AKB48 "Chance no Junban"(チャンスの順番).
AKB48 "Manatsu no Sounds good"(真夏のサウンドグッド) beware of your common clothes.
AKB48 "Kibou teki Refrain"(希望的リフレイン).
AKB48 "Sakura no Ki ni Narou"(桜の木になろう).
AKB48 (幸せを分けなさい)"Shiawase wo Wakenasai" with Japanese weddings.
AKB48 "Ponytail to Chouchou" and "Everyday Kachusha".
AKB48 "Heavy Rotation".
AKB48 "Kimi Wa Melody" and "Koisuru Fortune Cookie.
AKB48 (鈴懸の木の道で)"Suzukake no ki no michi de".
AKB48 "Love Trip".
★Akina Nakamori.(中森明菜.).
Akina Nakamori(中森 明菜) "Twilight"(トワイライト) and Why Japanese never say "I Love You"??.
★Aya Matsuura.(松浦亜弥.).
Aya Matsuura(松浦 亜弥) "Momoiro Kataomoi"(桃色 片思い).
Aya Matsuura(松浦 亜弥) "Yeah Meccha Holiday"(イエーメッチャホリデー).
★Ayumi Hamasaki.(浜崎あゆみ.).
Ayumi Hamasaki(浜崎あゆみ) "Key" a lot of adorable songs.
Beverly "I need your love".
★Chisato Moritaka.(森高千里.).
Chisato Moritaka "Kono Machi" and "17 sai".
Chisato Moritaka "Watashi No Natsu" and "Watashi ga obasan ni natte mo".
Circus "American Feeling" with do Japanese people hate Americans??.
Ellegarden "Salamander" and about AIR show on 2018 November 3rd.
★Hysteric Blue.(ヒステリックブルー.).
Hysteric Blue "Naze"(なぜ) and about 18th June Osaka earthquake.
Hysteric Blue "Haru"(春) and Yokohama city guide.
Juju(ジュジュ) "Tadaima"(ただいま) and explain the best reply for I am home.
Juju(ジュジュ) "Arigatou"(ありがとう) and "Jan Ken"(じゃんけん).
Juju(ジュジュ) "Mata Ashita" and "Sign"(サイン).
★Juria Mazda.(松田樹利亜.).
Juria Mazda(松田樹利亜) "Damattenaide"(だまってないで).
★Kahoru Kohiruimaki.(小比類巻かほる.).
Kahoru Kohiruimaki "Aiyo Kienaide".
★Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.(きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ.).
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu "Kira Kira Killer" Super adorable J-POP.
★Kou Shibasaki.(柴咲コウ.).
Koh Shibasaki(柴咲コウ) "Tsuki No Shizuku"(月のしずく) with the explanation of "Obon Holidays".
★May'n and Megumi Nakajima.(メインと中島愛.).
May'n and Megumi Nakajima "Lion"(ライオン) a cool J-POP.
May'n and Megumi Nakajima "Sayonara no Tsubasa"(サヨナラノツバサ) a cool J-POP.
★Miho FUkuhara.(福原美穂.).
Miho Fukuhara "Thank you" "Love" and more.
★Miho Morikawa.(森川美穂.).
Miho Morikawa(森川 美穂) "Bridge Kara Mita Yoake"(ブリッジから見た夜明け).
Miho Morikawa "Kagayakitai" "Blue Water" and "Yes, I will".
Miho Morikawa "Yasashiku Shinai de" and "Akai Namida".
Miho Morikawa "By Yourself" and "Kimi ga Kimi de iru tame ni".
★Minako Honda.(本田美奈子.).
Minako Honda(本田美奈子) "Tsubasa"(つばさ) and "One Way Generation".
Misia "Aitakute Ima" and "Everything".
Misia "Hoshi No Furu Oka" and "Wasurenai Hibi".
★Mr Children.(ミスターチルドレン.).
Mr Children "Esora" and "Hanabi".
★Namie Amuro.(安室奈美恵.).
Namie Amuro "Hero" and "Can you celebrate?".
★Naoko Kawai.(河合奈保子.).
Naoko Kawai "Half Moon Serenade" and "Izayoi Monogatari".
PERFUME "Poly-rythme" "Spice" "Spending all my time" "Pick me up" and more.
★Seiko Mazda.(松田聖子.).
Seiko Mazda "Ruriiro No Chikyu"(瑠璃色の地球).
★Shoko Inoue.(井上昌己.).
Shoko Inoue "Koi wa Liberty" "Doushite Anata wa Naitan darou" and more.
★Shoko Nakagawa.(中川翔子.).
Shoko Nakagawa and Yoko Takahashi. "Tamashii No Refrain".
Sugar "Wedding Bell" "Sugar dream" and more.
Unicorn "Daimeiwaku" and "Subarashii Hibi".
★Wagakki Band.(和楽器バンド.).
Wagakki Band(和楽器バンド) "Senbonzakura"(千本桜) and "Akatsuki No Ito"(暁の糸).
★Yuki Saitou.(斉藤由貴.).
Yuki Saito "Kanasimiyo Konnichiwa" and "Sotsugyou".
Yuzu(ゆず) "Niji"(Rainbow)and Let's live positively...って事.
Zard "It's a boy".
【Japanese wedding ceremony.】.
Japanese style wedding party. The actual flow and practice.
【Animation songs.】.
Yoko Takahashi "Zankoku na tenshi no thesis"(残酷な天使のテーゼ) with translation.
Sayonara The splendid harmony with legendary anime movie "Sayonara Galaxy Express 999".
Mari Iijima. "Tenshi no Enogu" with translation.
Mari Iijima. "Ai oboete imasuka?" with translation.
Shoko Nakagawa(中川翔子). "Tamashii No Refrain"(魂のルフラン) with pronunciation.
May'n and Megumi Nakajima. "Sayonara No Tsubasa"(サヨナラノツバサ) with pronunciation.
【TV drama songs.】.
Misia "Ai no Katachi" with translations and pronunciation.
Misia "Aitakute Ima" with the explanations about the splendid TV Drama called "Jin".
bump y "Savage Heaven" with fluffy translation.
Mariya Takeuchi "Your Eyes" with explaining Japanese Pronunciation Letters.
"Kakegurui"(賭ケグルイ) the blast away Japanese TV drama(主演:浜辺美波).
Haruka Fukuhara & Haruka Tomatsu "It's Show Time" and TV drama "Koe girl".
TV drama "Kurage Hime" with Caffe Latte Funsui Kouen "Go Sign Wa 1 Coin" and Beverly "A New Day".
Seigi No Mikata about TV Drama and Hatsune Okumura's "Tsuyogari Soleil".
Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo Japanese TV Drama and AKB48 "Love Trip".
【Japanese movie songs.】.
Yuna Itou(伊藤 由奈) "Endless Story" with fluffy Translation and Pronunciation.
"Furiko" The impressive Japanese Movie.
【Japanese TV commercial songs.】
Tatsuro Yamashita "Christmas Eve" Translation and Pronunciation.
Chikuzen Sato "I feel Coke" The awesome TV Commercial in 1987.
【Essence of Japanese habit and culture.】.
Sadly... The world is swaying by the strong fake propaganda news.
Bank of Tanzania has officially announced that the releasing Korean commemorative coin is stated as a fake news.
South Korea international trade downgrade class issue.
Explaining the wartime comfort women and the labor issue during the Second World War issue.
Shou Ga Nai...しょうがない...Shikata Ga Nai.. but...まあ、いいかぁー なのです(笑).
Ashiya a Russian girl honest impressions about Japan.
"a KY person" Microaggression and Cross-cultural mismatch problems.
How to improve translations into your own language at our blog articles.
The awkward custom may affect with you when living in Japan for a long time..かもね??.
No meaning of imposing strong opinions to others in Japan...って何故??.
The true impressions of about Japan.
What is the actual essences of Japanese people.
Geisha girls...Splendid Artists expressing Japanese prides.
5 important points to know, before come to Japan.
【Shopping, travelings and restaurants guide.】.
Osaka The second biggest city in Japan.
Japan Rail Pass the most cheapest way to travelling around Japan.
Things must to know before coming to Japan.
"Mitsui Outlet Park in Kisarazu" Introduction of the brand stores, Part 2.
"Mitsui Outlet Park in Kisarazu" the cheapest place to buy Japanese Kawaii Brands.
Japanese Kawaii Fashion brands Which brand have to buy??.
Tokyo One Day tour with a new American Friend.
Sabiki Fishing a guide for your first tryout.
Sushi Saito thoroughly be honest the perfect sincere attitude for all customers.
Tokyo transportation network guide.
This is all for today!!.
Ahaha... そんな感じで... みなさん...ごきげんよぉ ーって事なのです(笑).
Pyonko and Mu From Tokyoでしたぁーっ!!.
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